Year 10 Curriculum Overview |
2022 will see Good Samaritan Catholic College grow its core curriculum into Year 10. Core learning is essential for all students in Year 10 and provides them with the excellent basis they require for success in Senior School study. Learning in core subjects in Year 10 has the structure shown below in terms of hours of study per fortnight.
| Religion
| English
| Mathematics
| Science
| Assembly / Careers
| Humanities (1 Semester)
| Health / PE (1 Semester)
Hrs / FT
| 5 hrs
| 8 hrs
| 7 hrs
| 7 hrs
| 4 hrs
| 6 hrs
| 6 hrs
In Year 10, all students will study a total of eight (8) courses each semester (5 core + 3 elective). The structure of the curriculum offerings for Year 10 for 2022 will be as follows:
Full Year Core Courses (Studied for two full semesters by all students)
Students will study 4 compulsory 'core' courses in Year 10 for a full year.
- Religious Education
- English
- Mathematics
- Science
These 4 courses will all be delivered within the guidelines of the Australian Curriculum and Approved Curriculum (Religion).
Half Year Core Courses (Studied for one full semester by all students)
Students will study 2 additional compulsory 'core' courses in Year 10 (one per semester).
- History + Civics & Citizenship
- Health & Physical Education
These 2 additional core courses will also be delivered within the guidelines of the Australian Curriculum.
In 2022, the Year 10 Elective Course Program will be represented by 3 'full year' and 24 'half year' courses. Students will have two possible selection pathway options for completing their program of study within the diverse range of elective courses available to them.
- Selection Pathway A - 1 or 2 x full year (two semester) and the other semester courses
- Selection Pathway B - 6 x half year (one semester) courses
The 'full year' courses in Year 10 provide students with strong opportunities for comprehensive preparation within subject areas. 'Semester' courses provide students with depth studies with important preparation within subject areas. All courses are studied by students for four (4) hours per fortnight.
Year 11 Curriculum Overview |
Good Samaritan Catholic College has established three interconnected pathways for our Senior School students to organize their learning. The three pathways are interconnected and many students will work across two pathways in their study in Year 11 and Year 12. Each of the three pathways has a similar goal - to see the students eventually enter high-quality and life enriching work. The pathways differ in the training processes the students engage in and, in some cases, the time before students enter the workplace.

@Brisbane Catholic Education, Good Samaritan Catholic College (2022)
The Apprenticeship / Traineeship Pathway
Good Samaritan Catholic College is committed to our students entering quality work. We aim to connect with recognized business partners in our community to provide opportunities for our students and for employers. Students, their families and employers engage in partnerships that build quality apprentices and trainees who become qualified, engaged, proficient employees who contribute meaningfully to their community.
School-based Apprenticeships and Traineeships (SATs) are fully negotiated agreements between students and families, the College and employers that provide optimal access to learning and training for students engaging in apprenticeships and traineeships. Our experienced College Leaders guide these negotiated arrangements to ensure the students’ best interests are catered for in the arrangement. Students working in School-based Apprenticeships and Traineeships continue appropriate aspects of their Senior School learning at the College and engage in work and training with their employer partner in a flexible arrangement. They often work across the Apprenticeship and Traineeship Pathway and the Quality Vocational Learning Pathway.
School based traineeships are completed over a 1 or 2 year period whilst school based apprenticeships continue after school until the apprenticeship is completed (usually 3 years after school). Applications for School-based Apprenticeships and Traineeships require a mature, ‘seeking work’ approach and involve significant preparation and planning. The College will announce when applications for SATs open.
The Quality Vocational Learning Pathway
The College has built a highly-qualified and highly-experienced staff with capabilities to lead Quality Vocational Learning across an array of fields. We aim to engage Senior School students in learning and demonstrating vocational competencies that lead to highly-desirable qualifications for work beyond school. Qualifications and certifications offered at and beyond the College will target the significant industries in South-East Queensland.
Quality vocational learning will provide students with industry level skills that will lead them to further learning and employment. Students pursue this pathway for numerous reasons including entry to employment straight after school, opportunity for further vocational training after school, post-school apprenticeships and traineeships and to supplement their learning and provide entry to university options.
Students pursuing the Quality Vocational Learning pathway will generally supplement their qualifications and certificate learning with QCAA General or Applied courses and will pursue study in Religion, English and Mathematics.
The Further Tertiary Learning Pathway
Good Samaritan Catholic College offers a high-quality, diverse range of courses aimed at providing students who are seeking direct entry to university after school with the best preparation to excel. Our highly-qualified teacher leaders have developed exemplary courses across learning areas. The College has examined pre-requisite learning across a wide range of university courses and provides students with quality guidance and opportunity to excel in their Senior School study. Crucially, the College is forging strong relationships with universities in the areas and across South East Queensland.
Students engaging in the Further Tertiary Learning pathway will study QCAA General Courses, and they may supplement their learning with a QCAA Applied Course or some vocational learning where they pursue a qualification. They will pursue the attainment of an ATAR that allows them opportunity to enter their chosen further tertiary courses or offer them opportunities to enter a range of courses they are strongly interested in.
The College will continually monitor student achievement to ensure they are ‘on track’ to achieve their goals to enter their choses further learning course(s).