Advanced Mathematics

Advanced Mathematics​

(Semester Elective)

"Mathematics is a unique and powerful intellectual discipline that is used to investigate patterns, order, generality and uncertainty. It is a way of thinking in which problems are explored and solved through observation, reflection and logical reasoning. It uses a concise system of communication, with written, symbolic, spoken and visual components. Mathematics is creative, requires initiative​ and promotes curiosity in an increasingly complex and data-driven world. It is the foundation of all quantitative disciplines." (taken from the rationale of the senior Mathematical Methods syllabus)

Advanced mathematics is a semester elective offered to supplement the learning delivered in the core Year 10 Mathematics course. Its aim is to enhance students' mathematical knowledge and foundational skills in preparation for senior studies in Science, particularly Chemistry and Physics, Mathematical Methods and Specialist Mathematics.

Students will engage in learning from the 10A Mathematics Australian Curriculum. The focus of this learning will include topics such as operating with surds and logarithms, solving quadratic, exponential, and trigonometric equations, sketching a variety of functions, proving circle theorems, establishing the sine, cosine and area rules for triangles, and interpreting mean and standard deviation to compare data sets. Throughout the course, emphasis will be placed on the process of mathematical modelling and established methods to communicate mathematical reasoning and justification.

Connections to Other Year 10 Courses: Science | Economics & Business

Senior Pathway Links: Mathematical Methods | Specialist Mathematics | Biology | Physics | Chemistry

Career Development Links: Data Analyst | Scientist | Actuary | Aerospace Engineer | Agricultural Engineer | Automotive Engineer | Biomedical Engineer | Civil Engineer | Electrical Engineer | Mechanical Engineer | Software Engineer | Surveyor | Wildlife Ecologist | Conservation Biologist | Construction Management | Optometry | Health Sciences and Medicine